Retail Locations

These are a list of local businesses that are supporting our cause, the #sbbmovement by carrying Sexy Boss Babe products. If you would like to purchase Sexy Boss Babe products from local businesses in Los Angeles that are supporting , please visit these locations:

*Rewards Program:
Q: "Can I get rewards points for my online Sexy Boss Babe account if I purchase from a retail store?
A: Yes. Purchases made at any retail store will be honored for full rewards points. You must send us an email: or DM us: @thesexybossbabe with a copy of your receipt, your full first and last name and email. You must have a free rewards account set up with us and we will add your points to your account.



Burbank: Cinema Secrets

N. Hollywood: Nigel Beauty

Melrose: Melrose Beauty Center

Hollywood: Flaunt Beauty

West Hollywood: Beauty Collection

Larchmont Village: Larchmont Beauty Center

Beverly Hills: Parvaneh Beauty

Sunset Blvd.: Modern Beauty Salon & Supply

Santa Monica: Number One Beauty

Culver City: Lundeen's

Studio City: Planet Beauty

Sherman Oaks: Beauty Collection

Encino: Planet Beauty

Malibu: Beauty Collection

Calabasas: Beauty Collection

Marina Del Rey: Beauty Collection

Manhattan Beach: Beauty Collection

Hermosa Beach: Hermosa Beauty

Pasadena: Hans Beauty Stor

S. Pasadena: Hans Beauty Stor

La Canada: Hans Beauty Stor

La Crescenta: Hans Beauty Stor

Hawthorne: Pink Beauty Supply



San Clemente: Planet Beauty

Laguna Niguel: Planet Beauty

Orange: Planet Beauty

Anaheim: Planet Beauty

Camarillo: Planet Beauty



La Jolla: Empire Beauty

Pacific Beach: Empire Beauty

Mission Valley: Empire Beauty

Hillcrest: Empire Beauty

La Mesa: Empire Beauty

National City: Berlins Beauty

Point Loma: Flirt Beauty Supply



Riverside (Tyler Mall): Planet Beauty

Chino: Kut N Beauty

Upland: Bobos Beauty

Rancho Cucamonga: Beauty Club #2




San Jose: Planet Beauty

Santa Clara: Planet Beauty