3 Manicure Tricks from Sexy Boss Babe

For those of you that have read my first blog, "The Story of How Sexy Boss Babe Was Born," know that our product can definitely act as a beauty hack. Additionally, over the years, I have engaged in many beauty hacks, some that I will share with you! Here are my top 3 tricks:

1. Filing your natural nails vs. cutting them:

I love letting my natural long nails grow out. When they become too long, they risk looking unkept, so its important to keep them trim and groomed. The times that I've cut them with nail scissors or clippers, I've noticed that when my nails started to grow back, they would be more prone to breakage. Either the corner would break on something or I would get a fracture in the nail tip and eventually it would cause my nail to break off. What I learned was, that filing is much better! I think filing the nails down to the desired length for grooming purposes is a much better choice than cutting. Filing doesn't seem to cause fractures in the nails and just really keeps them smooth and even. The great thing about filing is you can always keep a file in your purse, car or desk drawer at work and run them over the edges once in a while for the upkeep. 

2. How to extend the life of a manicure:

I have the biggest secret for this one! This trick has helped me keep my regular nail polish manicure on for up to 2 weeks!! Yes...14 days! I'm not talking about gel or acrylics...regular nail polish! One of my biggest pet peeves is going to a nail salon to get a manicure and the nail polish starts to chip after 2-3 days. It literally pains my heart because it's such a costly expense and for it to only last a couple days, it truly hurts. There is a product that you can purchase at most drugstores, called, Nailtique. It's a nail protein designed to be applied directly on the nail. So here is my secret tip...bring your bottle of Nailtique to the salon and have the technician apply a coat to your bare nails as a base. After they finish the manicure, let the manicure fully dry. after about 1-3 hours post manicure, apply another coat of Nailtique. From then on, apply one coat of Nailtique every 2-3 days. Make sure to apply to nail edges to seal everything in. I promise you, if you do this, you will be sooooo surprised that you can get your regular nail polish to last so long. 

3. Keeping that fresh manicured look:

We all know the feeling of a fresh mani-pedi! Shiny polish, trimmed nails, cut cuticles, lotion and oil makes our hands and feet look and feel nice and soft. But after a few days, that look can start to fade and some dryness especially around the cuticle area of our fingers and toes can start to creep back. A quick beauty hack for this is really simple:

-Wash your hands in warm water to soften the skin

-Dry hands with a towel

-Apply an oil based moisturizer on hands, fingers and cuticle area


-Soak a hand towel in very warm water (fold up a tissue if no access to towel)

-Gather the towel around each toe to allow the warm moisture to soften skin

-Quickly dry the toes

-Apply oil based moisturizer around each toe (around the head and cuticle)

This is guaranteed to leave your toes looking soft, clean, supple and ready to be seen in those open toe sandals!

I hope you liked these tricks, tips and hacks! Have fun with your nails ladies and look out for my new blog next week! Always remember to be #fierceboldempowered and be a #sexybossbabe xoxo.

Sending you lots of warmth and love,

Arzo =)

Sexy Boss Babe is the official brand of the women empowerment movement. Please support the movement by using our hashtag #sexybossbabe and follow us on social media @thesexybossbabe and please subscribe to our website to receive product discounts and updated content at www.sexybossbabe.com and subscribe to our YouTube channel Sexy Boss Babe

(*Our website is currently under construction and will be live once we launch this spring. Make sure to subscribe to find out when our launch is.)


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The Story of How Sexy Boss Babe Was Born

A beautiful woman that has the characteristics of a Goddess from Heaven. She's sensual, sexual, delicious, raw and powerful.




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